2 Anderson Township Families in Need Receive Cars from Ulmer’s Auto Care Center
Thank you for supporting “The Car That Gives Back” program!
We are proud to announce that through our “The Car That Gives Back” program, we ‘ve been able to meet the needs of two very deserving families in our community and provide them with safe and reliable transportation. Chosen with the help of volunteers from St. Vincent de Paul, each was given a vehicle reconditioned by our shop staff and a year of free maintenance service to help enhance the quality of their life and provide lasting impacts on their families.
The Recipients:
Karie – a dedicated single-mother to an amazing child with special needs, leads the first family that we donated a car to. Because of her family’s circumstances, she needs to travel back and forth from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for her child’s care. We were so happy to be able to give this amazing woman support and encouragement as she continues to pour love and energy into helping her child.
Julie, another strong mom of two young boys, was the recipient of our second vehicle. Julie strove to support her family by taking care of her ill husband and also commuting an hour to work by bus. However, she soon found that because of her lack of a vehicle, she was unable to help her husband with medical appointments or be present at her children’s activities. Providing Julie with a mode of transportation enables us to care for her needs as she works to provide for her family.
We had a wonderful celebration at our Milford Auto Repair Shop!

Pictured: Casey Dunfee, Ulmer’s Auto Care service manager; Greg Kauffeld, Ulmer’s Auto Care co-owner; Bryan Kauffeld, Ulmer’s Auto Care co-owner; and Karie and Julie, both from Anderson Township, recipients of The Car That Gives Back Program.
These women work extremely hard supporting others, and we were thrilled to be able to give a little something back to them. We honored these women and their families during a celebration at our Milford auto repair shop location where we presented them with their vehicles. Thanks to our dedicated clients, Ulmer’s Auto Care Center is also incredibly grateful that we’ll be able to care for their cars for the next year as $1.00 of every oil change goes back to our “The Car That Gives Back” program.
After 77 years of providing auto repair in Anderson Township and Milford, OH, we’ve come to see the people in our two communities as family. Without their dedicated business, we wouldn’t be able to support exceptional women like Karie and Julie. The love and support we’ve seen from our neighbors continues to inspire us, and we look forward to finding new ways to give back.